I met Alice for the first time when I went to take pictures of her and my son Cody going to homecoming last year-November 2008. At the time they had already been seeing each other for about four months! Needless to say I was pretty excited about meeting Alice, someone whom I had only known by name but was commanding a lot of my son’s time. I actually took Cody to meet Alice as she was finishing up a swim meet and her father had arranged for them to be transported to the dance by a pretty, I think the words are “pimped out”, Denali! It was an exciting night for me because I had now met my son’s girlfriend and it was, I felt, the beginning of me now being a part of this aspect of his life. I am attempting to not write anything that will completely embarrass my son, but we adore Alice and think her family is fantastic. And now we have come to Homecoming 2009. Alice, in typical girl fashion, went and had her hair, nails and make up done. Cody, in typical male fashion, showered and got dressed. Cody and Alice can both now drive, so we all met, took pictures and they drove off to their “Thriller” themed homecoming dance.
Maybe we should be chaperones to Prom so I get to go to prom with my wife. That would rock.
I have also met Alice and have seen these two young kids together..they seem to have a fantastic friendship and respect for each other. I love these pictures of them. I think Cheri and Jonathan would make great chaperons and would have a blast at prom.
I have said this several times… they are so photogenic! I love how Cody adores Alice.. that rocks! And, this may embarass a little, but do I see Cody’s tongue in that first picture?? That is something he used to do (and apparently still does) when he is concentrating on something 🙂 I love you, Cody!