Have you ever uttered the words, “I’m bored”? We are usually exclaiming we are bored because we are wanting the boredom to go away, we are wanting to feel like we are accomplishing something and not just wasting our time doing nothing. We are desperately wanting someone or something to take away our boredom and provide some excitement. The root of the word is bore, which is defined as “a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person”-I don’t know of anyone that would want to be described as such. We have a pretty basic rule in our home that the word “bored” is not allowed. We are responsible for our own actions and reactions to situations so why not react to boredom in a genuine and uplifting way-it is not a waste of time, it is a time of ‘serentity’ and reflection. It’s ok to not be in constant motion and thought…sometimes it is ok to just be.
Very well said. Boredom is oftentimes the word we use for being lazy or simply not getting off our butts to try or create something new to keep our minds and our bodies occupied. Boredom is found in our comfort zone, but life’s wild adventures live outside of boredom and our comfort zones.
I know in my long lifetime, I have used those words “I am bored”, now I look at everything differently. I realize we have the ability to
make every moment count!! I am never bored.. I always want to accomplish something in the course of my day and know I contributed to the day!! Even”quiet time” can be a useful reflection and use of time, it gives you time to re-evaluate where your life is headed. Life has so much to offer..go out and experience it!!!