The modern St. Valentine’s Day celebrations are said to have been derived from both ancient Christian and Roman tradition mainly revolving around a few Christian martyrs named Valentine and something about the first valentine being sent from a Christian martyr, named Valentine, from his jail cell. It’s a day we celebrate our love and affection for our significant other, but I believe that is something we should do every day. My hubby and I went to the movie “Valentine’s Day” and had sushi on Friday and concurred that this was our valentine to each other…but, that is not unlike any other day because the celebration of our love is constant, always and never-ending. Some believe Valentine’s Day has become commercialized-I believe it is what you make it and what you want it to be. My husband is my forever valentine and I am his. Here’s wishing you a daily celebration of love.
My wife’s my connecting puzzle piece, she solves my enigma, she unravels my mystery, she deciphers my conundrum, she decodes my riddles, she dismantles my dilemmas. She’s my belt buckle and my life preserver. She’s my mate, my helpmate, my soul mate, she prevents my checkmate she’s my queen. She never loses site of me, and she keeps her gaze affixed. She pulls me to greater things; she pushes me beyond what is possible without her.
She’s my rudder, my anchor, and my navigator. She’s my prize for a job well done, she the jackpot and the grand prize. She’s well worth waiting for. She’s my treasure at the end of the rainbow, and she’s one of a kind. She’s my co-defense, my counsel, and my confidante. She’s my warmth, my seasonable, my fashionable, and my cutting edge. She’s my joy, my happy, and my abundant.
She’s my think-mate, and the spring in my step. She’s my honey, my candy, my desert and my wildly organic. She’s my never difficult; my easy going, humble, peaceful, and my deeply rooted. It a privilege to know her, and be with her. I will claim her as mine and hold her in the highest regard. She showers me with constant admiration and endless praise.
She elegant, adept, skilled, gifted, clever, resourceful, and astute and I can’t imagine life without her.
Happy Valentines Day to my Fuzzy Bunny.
You two make “sweet valentines”.. enjoy this and everyday together!!!
So sweet! What you wrote to Jonathan and what he wrote to you is just so wonderful: sentimental and heartfelt. Happy Valentine’s Day!
What sweet and beautiful V-day pictures! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog 🙂 Have a great day!