Lucky: the cat

We got Lucky the cat after our neighbor’s cat had kittens. Cody and his friend Gage had named all of the kittens and Lucky got her name because she seemed to get lost on a number of occasions and was always miraculously found so the boys felt she was very lucky. At the time we already had one cat and the fear of having two cats was not enough when my seven year old son comes and tells me that he wants to give Lucky a home, “Can we have her, pplllleeeeeaaaassssseeee?” Moms out there know that pulling-at-your-heartstrings feeling. Ok so yes…I caved, I gave in, I succumb to the pressure (not really…she was so darn cute I could not resist myself!) So we gave Lucky a home and she became Cody’s cat. Now there are some that have called her “psycho” because she tends to not like others and will lash out at those that try to be-friend her and I am afraid I have to confirm that this has occurred and she has therefore earned her name “psycho cat”. With our move to Orlando Lucky went to live with my parents…we miss her, but she has now become my Dad’s cat (although Cody will always claim her as his!)

Cody and Lucky watching television…no one but Cody would be allowed to rest their elbow on her head like this!

She always slept with Cody (and usually right at his head!)Lucky after moving in with my parents…and I dare ask-does she look psycho to you?

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Cheri Root is a family, newborn, senior photographer located in Prosper, Texas serving the north Texas area including Frisco, Celina, McKinney, Plano, Little Elm & Dallas.