Last year at this time Cody and I were in Oregon along with my Mom and Dad (Jonathan was working on a cruise and was in South America.) We went to Oregon to spend Christmas with our family. My Dad’s side of the family and a lot of my Mom’s side of the family both live in Oregon-mostly around the Eugene area with some in Portland. We flew into Portland on Christmas Eve. It was snowing. We taxied into the airport on a runway covered in snow-it was magnificent. I’m not sure my Dad was feeling the same way knowing he had a two hour drive south to Eugene. We stopped and had our Christmas Eve meal at the local Burger King and headed on down to Eugene. I think my Dad was having second thoughts about renting a car instead of an SUV! On our second day there at our traditional family get together at the pizza parlor our cousin Danny offered to take Cody snowboarding at Willamette Pass Ski Resort. This was Cody’s first time snowboarding and he caught on no problem. After a few runs down the bunny slope he headed up the ski lift with our cousins that have been snowboarding all their lives. I stayed in the ski lodge with my hot chocolate most of the time-with my novice skiing skills I didn’t want to slow the boys down. On our last day in Oregon, the University of Oregon Ducks were playing-my entire family are Duck fans and if you live in Eugene it is a pretty good chance you are too! Cody even caught Duck fever when we were there and came home with a Duck jacket of his own. It is always sad when we have to leave and we always look forward to going back. We actually went back this past summer-I will share that trip soon!
Have I mentioned that I love the snow and live in Florida. No? Hmmmm
That’s Cody to the right of the ski lift-looking pretty relaxed!
It was pretty cold out there!
Just a few of Cody and I with our cousin Mason (the STAR of the family!) and that’s me with my most wonderful cousin Amber!
This one’s for the fam in Oregon…